Student Showcase 2022


Student Showcase Journal 2022

Looking back at the past three years, as the pandemic has worked its way around the world and, of course, into Alaska itself, it feels incredible to once more be celebrating our students’ scholarly successes. Mat-Su College has not had a Student Showcase for three years; indeed, in 2020, our showcase was steaming forward . . . when Spring Break came and, as we all likely recall, the world tilted.

Student Showcase has been with Mat-Su College for many healthy, robust years, becoming an important part of the culture of our campus. Now that we are able to breathe new life into the Showcase, we are eager to produce the Student Showcase Journal 2022. It is different from previous years–probably more like the first journal publication launched in 2006, for it is a smaller work than we have had in past editions. However, the importance of reviving this tradition, of putting forth our students’ scholarly works and celebrating their academic success, could never be more important. We thank our student authors for their diligence and for their incredible work: indeed, for showing the scholarly contributions that Mat-Su College students produce!

Thus, readers, thank you for joining us once more on this journey into scholarly writing at Mat-Su College. It will be a promising excursion! Our journey will start with politics in Alaska, always a provocative topic, before launching into rocket science and delta-V; it will then tread into arctic climate research, ending with a look at collaborative healthcare across the world.

May the journey begin . . .


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