Powerlessness In Electronic Literature: By Blake Aschenbrener, Sriram Satyavolu, and Savannah Walters

The Influence of Music

Aside from just visual elements to electronic literature, the auditory components are significant since they add an emotional aspect to the literature. In “Whacked”, the use of upbeat music amplifies the intensity in the piece.  With social commentary being a main idea in most of Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, it is important to get the audience to feel the emotions that the characters in the story are feeling. In the article "Why does Music Make Us Feel" by Mark Changizi, the idea of how music can change our emotional perceptions towards a piece is demonstrated (Changizi).  It was discussed in that article about how music affects the way humans visualize images. In a study with 30 people conducted by Logerswaran and Bhattacharya from the University of London, people were shown multiple images while listening to various types of music. The conclusion from this study showed that happy music made people happy even when looking at depressing images. Shown in the image is how our brain responds to music and shows that while listening to music our emotional response to anything seem to heighten. From this study, it can be shown that what Heavy Industries has been doing with choosing music that fits with the story and no images is very significant (Changizi). It is allowing the readers to focus on the text itself rather than focusing on multiple items at once. Heavy Industries figured out that the music matter more than images and that allows the readers to enjoy and engage with the text more.  For this reason, choosing the right music to fit with the literature is important since the music can influence whether the readers will be engaged to the story. The music shapes the narrative since the lack of music just makes the works done by Heavy Industries less engaging and just text flashing on a screen.

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