Powerlessness In Electronic Literature: By Blake Aschenbrener, Sriram Satyavolu, and Savannah Walters


Blake Aschenbrener

Main Source:
Luers, Will. Motions. 2014, will-luers.com/motions/motions.html.

Secondary Sources:
Calderon, Nadya A, et al. “Augmenting Visual Representation of Affectively Charged Information Using Sound Graphs.” IEEE, 2012. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6400547

Minsky, Marvin. “Mind, Music, and Meaning.” Computer Music Journal, 1981. https://web.media.mit.edu/~minsky/papers/MusicMindMeaning.html

Sriram Satyavolu

Main Source:
Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries. "I Got Whacked in the Face by a Baseball Bat." http://www.yhchang.com/WHACKED_V.html

Secondary Sources:
Changizi, Mark. “Why Does Music Make Us Feel?” Scientific American, Scientific American, 15 Sept. 2009, www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-does-music-make-us-fe/.

Morris, Errol. “Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 9 July 2012, opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07/09/are-you-an-optimist-or-a-pessimist/.

Oberoi, Ankit. “How Typography Affects Readers.” AdPushup Blog, adpushup_blog, 6 Oct. 2016, www.adpushup.com/blog/how-typography-affects-readers/.

Tedford, Matthew Harrison. “Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries.” Art Practical, Art Practical, 5 Dec. 2014, www.artpractical.com/column/young_hae_chang_heavy_industries/.

Image Citation (image was not directly included in article): 
Pringle, Amy. “The Connections of Music and Mental Illness.” Crazy Facts About How Music Affects Your Brain and Mood, 1 Jan. 1970, amypringlemusic.blogspot.com/2016/03/crazy-facts-about-how-music-affects.html.

Savannah Walters

Main Source:
Bouchardon, Serge. Untrace. 2016, https://i-trace.fr/untrace/.

Secondary Sources:
Angel, Marie and Anna Gibbs. “Memory and Motion.” Academia, 2010, www.academia.edu/273230/Memory_and_Motion.

Armon, Robyn, and  Adam Fisher, Brittney Goldfarb, Caley Milton. "Effects of music tempos on blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance after physical exertion." University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2011, http://jass.neuro.wisc.edu/2011/01/...pdf

Visual/Media Sources
Bouchardon, Serge. “Untrace.” YouTube, YouTube, 31 Jan. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ06xlnPHZg.

Photograph of Serge Bouchardon. Grenadine Event Manager, 2015, www.https://cust-images.grenadine.co/grenadine/image/upload/c_fill,f_jpg,g_face,h_1472,w_1472/v0/NT2/2MwX_87.jpg

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