Agency, Voice, and the Evolution (AVE) of Women at Saint Mary’s, 1920-2023: Spring 2023

The Sisters Forge their own Path

On March 2, 1889, Roman officials announced that “the Constitution of the American Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross received apostolic approbation for a period of seven years,” allowing the Sisters to separate from the Notre Dame for a probationary period (Sister Mary Immaculate 41). Approval for a permanent separation of the Sisters and Notre Dame “was dependent on three conditions: the closing of the convent of Notre Dame [not needed to be done immediately], an operation of the sister in government from the priest and brothers, and the prolonging of the novitiate and scholasticate” (Sister Mary Immaculate 41). These requirements would eventually be met by the Sisters allowing them to permanently separate from Notre Dame.Thus, this mandate allowed the Sisters of the Holy Cross to evolve, allowing them to form their own institutions that they could govern according to their concerns and beliefs. 


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