Sex Trafficking: Exploring Agency


Immersion is the first stage, is the beginning of the journey, and describes the indoctrination of the individual into the lifestyle by the trafficker/pimp. Immersion is part of the entry pathway as its main goal is to detain and retain the individual. This immersion leaves little room to consider leaving or even develop the awareness of leaving. (During this stage, an exit would occur typically through interception — meaning a victim is discovered and forcibly removed.) However, permanent exit may be difficult for someone who is in this first stage due to intense fear of being recaptured or fear of being without any resources.

Baker, L.M., Dalla, R. L., & Williamson, C. (2010). Exiting prostitution: an integrated model. Violence Against Women, 16(5), 579–600.

Your morals are abandoned on that sidewalk where you turned your first trick.
Your beauty is left in that hotel room where some stranger touched you like his girlfriend and then left the money on the nightstand.
And every night, you die again, compromising your words for what your pimp calls love and security.
The hustle, the streetlights, the schemes. It never seems worth it, but you have the liquor to comfort your fears and as long as your profits meet expectations, you will have what you always wanted your whole life: love.
Love that doesn't feel right, but it's all you think you're worth, so you'll take it every day.

​You sleep when the sun comes up, rise when the sun is down. Conceal the torment with make-up and stylish hairdos. Put on your best outfits. Something arousing because you have to make them happy. The men, the tricks, the pimps. 


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