Sex Trafficking: Exploring Agency

Simulation: Bought and Sold

The navigation within the following pages is meant to mimic the choices (or lack thereof) and patterns of the conditions under which women are immersed into the sex trafficking industry and their pathways and barriers to freedom. Each stage is represented by images that are publicly used to portray victims of sex trafficking, obtained from news articles, scholarly journals, and public awareness campaigns. There are multiple paths through the simulation, representing the diversity of individual stories of sex trafficking victims, and there are portions of the simulation where the user may be redirected to a page that has already been visited. This represents the cycle of enslavement and the complicated and frustrating process through which victims may develop agency to break the cycle.

The video below, originally published by The Toronto Star, provides an overview of victim stories.  Scroll below to begin navigating through the simulation. You may chose to follow this path or to begin an alternative path.

Carville, O. (Director). (2015, December 14). Beaten, bought, and sold [Video file]. Retrieved from

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