12018-03-12T17:22:16-07:00Christina Lane29ceb3d2fed302654ea8ee73da58b0b600bfbbc0248741Christina Lane's Remix of Liz Cambron's Video Essay, for SCMS 2018 workshop. This video looks at how lies and cover ups are used to perpetuate misogyny and racism, followed by voices of resistance.plain2018-03-12T17:22:17-07:00Vimeo2018-03-12T12:59:01video259716909Christina LaneChristina Lane29ceb3d2fed302654ea8ee73da58b0b600bfbbc0
Guardian News. (n.d) “’Look, he denies it. He totally denies it,’ says Trump.” Donald Trump on Allegations against Roy Moore. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJiiVzTmooU
Hampshire College TV (May 20, 2017) “Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Delivers Commencement Speech at Hampshire College.” Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBe_guezGGc.
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