In the Mix: The Collaborative Video Essay in Theory and Praxis: SCMS Workshop for 2018 conference

In the Mix: The Collaborative Video Essay in Theory and Praxis

The video essay has become an important part of the scholarly toolkit. The focus of the scholarly video essay has been primarily driven toward auteurial topics, which is often mirrored by single authorship or a singular perspective. In this workshop, we want to disrupt this approach by modeling a pathway into collaborative video work. Collectively, we will take an agnostic approach to the variety of possible forms of the video essay, and see if new forms may materialize as we work together.  We propose a project that begins several months prior to the SCMS conference: using the prompt “Post-Truth,” each of the workshop participants will add ten files (image, audio, video, text) that we will each draw from to create video essays of 90 seconds to 5 minutes each. We will then share this FIRST ROUND OF REMIX VIDEO ESSAYS on the Scalar platform so that our group can comment, annotate, and consider the next round of edits.  For the SECOND ROUND OF EDITS, each workshop participant will edit another’s video essay. These second essays will be shared on our Scalar site, along with links to the original files, and SCMS colleagues will be invited to comment, annotate, re-edit, and post.

At the SCMS workshop, we extend the dialogic process further through a session that includes a discussion of the basic process, sample viewings, editorial reflections, and attendee feedback.  We also will share our materials with attendees for folks to do their own remix.  We will post the results of our workshop on Scalar for further commentary or new mixes. Our goal with this workshop is to find new ways of thinking about the video essay as well as reimagining scholarly dialogue.

We will each be making 90 second - 5 minutes videos
Each person provides 10 clips of any length to contribute to our pool. 

Round 1:  we all make a remix video drawing from our pool of 60 clips. 

Round 2 we select one person's video to remix (each video only can be remixed once by our team), and we must use their clips (that is drawing from the lengths they have used) but we can swap out 3 clips from our pool 

PARTICIPANTS: Vicki Callahan, Daniel Clarkson Fisher (Co-Chairs), Christina Lane, Liz Cambron, Nina Bradley, Nicole Richter

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