In the Mix: The Collaborative Video Essay in Theory and Praxis: SCMS Workshop for 2018 conference

"The Outer Limits" by Daniel Clarkson Fisher

The Outer Limits (SCMS Round 1) from Daniel Clarkson Fisher on Vimeo.

"The Outer Limits" (ABC)
"'FAKE MEDIA...I STRONGLY CONDEMNED THE NEO-NAZIS AND KKK!' President Trump speaks at Phoenix Rally" (ABC15 Arizona); retrieved from
"Public Enemy - Don't Believe the Hype" (Public Enemy VEVO); retrieved from
"Fact-Checking President Donald Trump’s Claims About Charlottesville | NBC Nightly News" (NBC News); retrieved from

"Third Presidential Debate | Trump, Clinton on Immigration Reform" (ABC News); retrieved from
"Donald Trump to CNN reporter: 'Not you, your organization terrible! You're fake news!'" (FRANCE 24 English); retrieved from
"Trump takes questions from CNN reporter" (CNN); retrieved from
"Kind of a crook: Nixon’s legacy beginning to change" (RT America); retrieved from
"USA: Clinton Denies Having An Affair With Monica Lewinsky - 1998" (AP Archive); retrieved from
"Convention flashback: 'Read my lips ...'" (HLN); retrieved from
"Patrisse Cullors On The History Of Black Lives Matter Movement And Its Political Future | TIME" (TIME); retrieved from
"Donald Trump's hair blown apart by the wind" (Guardian News); retrieved from
additional images via Dr. Christina Lane


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