Photography commonly gets described in two main categories ethics and taste. This is where the term photographic truth questions, “whether a particular image accurately represents the subject or weather it misleads the viewers” (Bersak 2006). Ethics in photography can simply be described as a photo that provides information and anything that takes away from that truth is a lie, tp further explain is to which the reporter removes the smallest of aspects from the photo in order for it to look better for the views. Once an issue like that is made it tends to be something the public never forgets, which why you never want to make that mistake because then it makes the work of the photographer look questionable. If the public is questioning a source that is not creditable then how can the public continue to expect accurate and fair information? Photographic taste relates to the nature of blood, sex, or gore, and these images sole purpose is to inflict a reaction out the crowd. This where you see photography being used in a way to make people see situations for what they really are. This technique may be unflattering for some, but many have found ways to utilize this technique in other aspects of life. Image 1-3 are perfect example of photographic taste, because each photo sparks a reaction when viewed. They also allow for realization and an emotional connection to what information is being held back from the public, these images are powerful statement pieces.
Once photography was accepted as a way to physically see problems as they had happened the medical field utilized these techniques. In some case the used of digital photography was used to, “detect changes in pre-existing lesions” (Giavedoni 2017). Photography in the medical field allows patients to view what is currently happening to them, which also helps the diagnosing process happen faster. Photographic images like MRIs, X-rays, and ultrasounds to name a few have been able to help people visually understand the human body better than before. Our textbook looks closely into the human body in relation to photographic images, and the positive progression.
Photography has grown in the medical field to even be able to accurately help stroke patients. By, “modern imaging equipment can facilitate precise measurements and monitoring of vascular features” (Frost 2017). This is where figure 4 refers to the ethical aspect of photography the F. A. S. T chart for stroke patients, which allows people to quickly acknowledge the signs of a stroke. The chart is placed around globally to inform and educate to the public. Photography has played in a role in society that dedicates itself to better inform the public in cases where we can help one another. Photography continues to help the public understand and show gratitude for all that we have. The first amendment states that congress shall make no law to control the press from withholding freedom of speech through word or photos. In other words we the people have every right to inform the public of accurate and fair information, within the best interest of the people.
Photography has no limitations when it comes to race or sexuality, when informing the public of global issues in order to understand the extent of our safety and freedom there is no color but black and white. Society tends to battle with what is shown to the public, due to fear of the children seeing it. Informational pieces in other words articles and news are for adults and young adults, with the purpose to inform so that we can better protect and teach the youth. When used in a professional setting such as anything in comparison to the medical field photography is not frowned upon, but the second a topic of death or anything cruel is shown it causes and uproar. Still the images do it part in starting conversations, which allow the public to progress as a whole. We cannot act like brutal occurrences are not happening around the world and in our own backyards, and photography allows us to never forget.