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Women socializing at a house
1media/Women socializing at a house_thumb.jpg2020-06-05T11:20:53-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d370891Women socializing at a house. Circa 1950s.plain2020-06-05T11:20:53-07:00Women socializing at a house20140514192026-0700UnknownCourtesy of ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives at the University of Southern California LibrariesWomen socializing at a house. Circa 1950s.LesbiansLesbian communityONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives at the University of Southern California LibrariesColl2013.017 Ester F. Bentley photographs and papersAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d