Roots and Fruits: : Exploring the History and Impact of the Women's Art Registry of Minnesota


First and foremost, thank you to the women of WARM, each of whom I encountered generously shared her story and work: you made herstory/history happen, you pushed it forward—perhaps with a laugh and a nudge, perhaps with blood, sweat, tears and anger, but most assuredly with the fire that movements are made of. Thank you. 

I would like to express my cup-runneth-over gratitude to Nicole Watson, director of The Catherine G. Murphy Gallery at St. Catherine University. She championed the exhibition, believing in me and my vision even when I didn't have the words to explain it. Nicole gave generously of her time and expertise while I worked it all out, pulling the inside outward, turning an idea into a reality.

Many thanks to Kimberlee Roth, Ann Buchen, Jennifer Adam, the many student workers who assisted with this project and for the support of the St. Catherine University Art and Art History Department. Thanks to Mollie Hazelton and Dr. Kyunghye Yoon of St. Catherine University Masters of Library and Information Science Program without whose support and encouragement this project would not have come to fruition. Much gratitude to Dr. Jayme Yahr and the University of St. Thomas Museum Studies Program: they have shown incredible support during the two years it took to create this exhibition.

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