Step 1: "Stop Reading! Look!"*
Pictured above are photo 1, photo 2 and photo 3 that Tucholsky and Heartfield included in GG's second preface:". . . because once you've studied the pictures for a while, they begin to speak. The people in the pictures hold still - so patiently, that you can study them at your leisure. And when you're wholly inside the picture, the people speak." (Kurt Tucholsky, "Foreword" GG)
"Foreword: or, it is impossible to write captions for photographs"
Step 1: Spend about 20-30 seconds with each photograph.
Be patient! Take your time!
Try to answer these questions for each photograph:
- Looking at these photographs: What do you notice?
- Who is in those photographs?
- Are they types or individuals?
- In which direction are the depicted persons looking?
- What are they looking at?
Once you have answered these questions for all three photographs, move on to Step 2.