A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

Welcome to the Cyberpunk Dystopia

When COVID-19 began, many of us looked to science fiction and found that pandemic stories didn’t fit the reality that emerged – we were looking in the wrong place! High-tech, low-life, and an uncertain future places us in a cyberpunk dystopia; COVID-19 is all about order and control, and this has implications for what and how we design in the present and for the future. This presentation will demonstrate why we’re in a cyberpunk dystopia and how we can design our way out of it. Objective Understand the value of dystopias and how they can be applied in human-centred design initiatives. Five Things Audience Members Will Learn What is a dystopia The role of dystopias in society Why we’re living in a cyberpunk dystopia The design implications of a cyberpunk dystopia How to use dystopias strategically

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