A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

Ways Forward?

  1. Debunking and taking a second look at Ways forward? 

    1. Negotiation 

Peña McCook, Kathleen de la. 2010. “Unions in Public and Academic Libraries.” https://doi.org/10.1081/E-ELIS3-120043805.

the thing i s awesome

  1. Reframing the conversation

Shelley. Last Library. 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwVtvfUPMg4.

  1. Credentialing?  Professional Gatekeeping (remember Popowhich? )  when we change the profession or bifurcate the role just so others can get paid more whose interests do we serve? 

    1. Guys keep moving the bar - the european movement to professionalize FAIR data stewardship is a way of saying “your MLS isn’t good enough” do this other stuff our way  for free or we will use them(our postdocs/grad students/favorites) instead of you . . . 

    2. Buschman, John. 2003. Dismantling the Public Sphere : Situating and Sustaining Librarianship in the Age of the New Public Philosophy. Westport (Conn.): Libraries Unlimited.

Seale, Maura, and Rafia Mirza. 2019. “Empty Presence: Library Labor, Prestige, and the MLS.” Library Trends 68 (2): 252–68. https://doi.org/10.1353/lib.2019.0038.

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