A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

Fellow Geneaologists, Unite!

  1. Why we’re doing a  genealogy of refusal from Fiction and Science Fiction  and popular culture 

    to communicate about crisis narratives and constructed scarcity in libraries? Because we think it helps people understand crisis narratives in the workplace if they can connect them to memorable characters and stories. 

  2. Doctorow - power of SF

  3. Vonnegut - speculative fiction and SF genre putdowns 

  4. Vonnegut, Kurt. 1986. 48th PEN International Congress — Censorship in the U.S.A — 1/15/1986. https://soundcloud.com/penamerican/panel-censorship-pen-congress-1141986.

    Vonnegut, Kurt. 1990. Hocus Pocus.

    Frayne, David. 2015. The Refusal of Work: The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Work. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/928883464.

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