A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

How to Use this Project

This multimedia project is a companion piece to our article, A GENEALOGY OF REFUSAL : WALKING AWAY FROM CRISIS AND SCARCITY NARRATIVES (LINK). In this project, we explicate ways librarians are made vulnerable by crisis narratives and constructed scarcity. Through this companion, interactive, multimedia experience, we invite you to interrogate crisis narratives through popular culture and works of scholarship.  The Scalar platform offers a non-traditional platform to explore ideas outside the structure of the academic paper. You may wish to navigate through our predetermined layout of the project--starting with an exploration of how crisis narratives form our response, through avenues for developing fluency for hearing and saying “No,” and conclude by advocating for asset framing. Alternatively, you can approach our work through the multiple paths through our project; we encourage you to investigate the connections between the Scalar content. Explore the Genealogy of Refusal Timeline to see the temporal progression of the works we have chosen. We also welcome contributions --suggest additional content for our Zotero library, or interact with the scalar project using Hypothes.is, a tool that allows users to highlight and annotate the project. This companion multimedia project is more than a piece-- it is a place where readers can become writers. Let’s use it to embark on some collaborative asset framing together.

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