A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

Bartleby at the Wall

What can Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener teach us about workplace refusal?
Here's where we can set the stage with Bartleby for how to say "I prefer not to" in the workplace.
I prefer not to be a hero.
I prefer not to be a savior.
I prefer not to take you up on your offer to expand my duties.
I prefer not to be the beneficiary of others' largess if the strings are too tight.
I can fully occupy my role, my space, my destiny.
Until I won't, can't, don't.

So Many Bartlebys in literary and popular fiction, in popular culture - Why is workplace refusal so compelling a drama?
Why is it such fertile ground for satire? for dark comedy?

Why so many years after Bartleby first made his appearance does his statement his character still resonate with creatives?
Next section(s) expand with other examples from literary and popular culture of workplace refusal.

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