A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

Asset Framing

  1. Trabian Shorters and Asset Framing

  2. Scarcity
  3. Surplus

  4. Archivists and Librarians in this context (resources for archives are always “not enough”? )

  5.  Maintainers always not enough compared to innovation) 

    People would rather buy and invest in innovation than maintenance and would rather hire or promote for innovation potential than proven success at development or maintenance WTF is this? How is it gendered?
  6. Refusal and Walkway in this context 

    1. No leaderboards - competition doesn’t in and of itself  make people or situations better 

    2. Staging need for support - If I’m going to do this I’m going to need to do x, need y 

    3. Saying no in your personal and professional life 

      1. Seriously. Burnout by Nagoski and Nagoski.

    4. Hardest lies we have to stop telling 

    5. Personal is precursor to community work but sometimes the hardest work we need to do 

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