A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

About the Authors

Natalie is an E-Research Librarian who greets each day with coffee & The Nib:“rise and shine the world is doomed” then delays sleep with SciFi most nights. 0000-0001-6441-6716

Anna Michelle is a recovering instructional design super hero librarian capable of teaching back to back library instruction sessions with no end in sight, who now cracks her electric Lucy Lawless whip as a user experience and assessment librarian. 0000-0003-3487-6302

Mikala is Product Owner for way too many library systems that need more than just cosmetic work, but for that she’ll need to take them to the medi-spa. 0000-0002-2730-7542

Kim is an University Archivist who also serves a large regional community. She uses her Librarian superhero powers to stay part of the archivist's community in the broader province through ESP [& projects like these] . 0000-0002-0781-4571

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