Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library

MS C189 Inner Cover

Inner Cover
Text: “De misericordia” (On Mercy)
Author: John Chrysostom
Script: late Caroline minuscule
John Chrysostom
(c.347 - 407 C.E.)
Born: Antioch, Turkey
Died: Comana, Turkey

“De misericordia”
The text on the inner cover of MS C189 is from a sermon credited to John Chrysostom, the Archbishop of Constantinople at the end of the fourth and early fifth century. He was called Chrysostom or “golden mouth'' due to his impactful messages. The sermon on MS C189 is titled, “De misericordia” (On Mercy). It begins, “Tria sunt quae in misericordiae opera” (“There are three things in the works of mercy… ”) This opening passage is not visible on the fragment. 


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