Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library

MS C189 Back Flyleaf

Back Flyleaf

Text:Country: Italy
Language: Latin
Assigned Date: s. XI2
Date: c. 1150
Script: late Caroline minuscule
Figurative Decoration: Other Decoration: Number of Texts: 1
Description: Condition: 
The  parchment folio used for the back flyleaves likely comes from a breviary, dated around the first half of the twelfth century. It contains readings related to Maundy Thursday and Good Friday of the Christian Holy Week. The recto side of the first back flyleaf and the verso side of the second back flyleaf contains: Hosea 6:5-6; Habakkuk 3:2-3; reading for Maundy Thursday; Exodus 12:1-8. The verso side of the first back flyleaf and the recto side of the second back flyleaf contains: Exodus 12:9-11; Psalm 139:2-14; John 18:1-5. 

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Hosea 6:5-6 
("[incipit] [do]lui [?] in p[ro]phetis occidi eos in verbis oris mei …
 [explicit] scientiam D[e]i plus quam holocausta.")

Hosea 6:5-6, Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB) translation:

 [5] For this reason have I hewed them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments shall go forth as the light.
[6] For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice: and the knowledge of God more than holocausts. 

 Habakkuk 3:2-3
("[incipit] Domine audivi auditum tuum [et] timui... 
[explicit] op[er]uit c[a]elos maiestas eius [et] laude eius plena")

 Habakkuk 3:2-3, Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB) translation:

 [2] O Lord, I have heard thy hearing, and was afraid. O Lord, thy work, in the midst of the years bring it to life: In the midst of the years thou shalt make it known: when thou art angry, thou wilt remember mercy. [3] God will come from the south, and the holy one from mount Pharan: His glory covered the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise.

Exodus 12:1-8
"[rubric] [Et] libri exodi. [incipit] In dieb[us] illis dixit d[omi]n[u]s ad Moysen et Aaron; iste vobis principium mensium [...] [explicit] panes cu[m] lactucis agrestib[us]."
Exodus 12:1-8, Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB) translation:

[1] And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt: [2] This month shall be to you the beginning of months: it shall be the first in the months of the year. [3] Speak ye to the whole assembly of the children of Israel, and say to them: On the tenth day of this month let every man take a lamb by their families and houses. [4] But if the number be less than may suffice to eat the lamb, he shall take unto him his neighbour that joineth to his house, according to the number of souls which may be enough to eat the lamb. [5] And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a male, of one year: according to which rite also you shall take a kid (a goat or sometimes lamb was used for the sacrifice).
[6] And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month: and the whole multitude of the children of Israel shall sacrifice it in the evening. [7] And they shall take of the blood thereof, and put it upon both the side posts, and on the upper door posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. [8] And they shall eat the flesh that night roasted at the fire, and unleavened bread with wild lettuce. 

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Exodus 12:9-11
("[incipit] quid nec coctum aqua sed assum tantum igni caput ... 
[explicit] comedetis festinantes est enim phase id est transitus d[omi]ni"
Exodus 12:9-11, Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB) translation:

[9] You shall not eat thereof any thing raw, nor boiled in water, but only roasted at the fire: you shall eat the head with the feet and entrails thereof. [10] Neither shall there remain any thing of it until morning. If there be any thing left, you shall burn it with fire.
[11] And thus you shall eat it: you shall gird your reins, and you shall have shoes on your feet, holding staves in your hands, and you shall eat in haste: for it is the Phase (that is the Passage) of the Lord.

Psalm 139:2-14
("[incipit] eripe me d[omi]ne ab homine malo ... adversum me ne derelinquas; [cir]cuitus eo[rum] labor labio[rum] ipso[rum] coop[er]i[et] ... [explicit] habitabunt recti cum vultu tuo")

Psalm 139:2-14, Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB) translation:
[2] Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: rescue me from the unjust man. [3] Who have devised iniquities in their hearts: all the day long they designed battles. [4] They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent: the venom of asps is under their lips. [5] Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the wicked: and from unjust men deliver me. Who have proposed to supplant my steps. [6] The proud have hidden a net for me. And they have stretched out cords for a snare: they have laid for me a stumblingblock by the wayside.
[7] I said to the Lord: Thou art my God: hear, O Lord, the voice of my supplication. [8] O Lord, Lord, the strength of my salvation: thou hast overshadowed my head in the day of battle. [9] Give me not up, O Lord, from my desire to the wicked: they have plotted against me; do not thou forsake me, lest they should triumph. [10] The head of them compassing me about: the labour of their lips shall overwhelm them. [11] Burning coals shall fall upon them; thou wilt cast them down into the fire: in miseries they shall not be able to stand.
[12] A man full of tongue shall not be established in the earth: evil shall catch the unjust man unto destruction. [13] I know that the Lord will do justice to the needy, and will revenge the poor. [14] But as for the just, they shall give glory to thy name: and the upright shall dwell with thy countenance.

John 18:1-5
("[rubric] Passio d[omi]ni n[ost]ri Ih[es]u Chr[ist]I s[ancti] Ioh[anne]m. [incipit] In ill[o] t[empo]r[e] egressus est d[omi]n[u]s Ih[esu]s cum discipulis suis trans torrentem ... [explicit] stabat aut[em] et Iudas qui tradebat")

John 18:1-5, Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB) translation:
1] When Jesus had said these things, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where there was a garden, into which he entered with his disciples. [2] And Judas also, who betrayed him, knew the place; because Jesus had often resorted thither together with his disciples. [3] Judas therefore having received a band of soldiers and servants from the chief priests and the Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons. [4] Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said to them: Whom seek ye? [5] They answered him: Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith to them: I am he. And Judas also, who betrayed him, stood with them.

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