Throughout this course, we have been engaged in studying Latina/o History from a position of nuance and reclamation. The public nature of the course page, and of the exhibit, demonstrate a need to rework how knowledge is produced and shared. My project is inherently restorative-- it seeks to challenge previously-maintained ideas of the United Farm Workers through representations of its veritable multi-ethnic character. In utilizing songs, photographs, and video, this project represents the politics of accurate representation occurs on multiple sensory dimensions. In presenting these sources, I push against a tendency to eulogize ethnic solidarity under the auspices of a euphemistic utopia. Indeed, the Mexican and Filipinos who fought during the Delano Strikes fought for a better life, but their aspirations were not grounded in an unwarranted co. Rather, it resulted from a series of compromises, of working through perceptions of difference to achieve a better quality of life for all. Hardly a perfect process, it nonetheless merits accurate depiction in our imaginings of the UFW. My project adds weight to this dialogue, and challenges others to continue reclaiming their space within history.
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