"Space to Dream": Queer Speculative Disability Narratives & Their Liberatory Value

Tag Cloud

The tag cloud shows all identity categories that appear in the texts highlighted in this project. Some of the tags are already connected. This is because some tags serve as umbrella terms that encompass a number of more specific identities. Some texts use more specific terminology, whereas others are more vague. I tag based on what the author has said about the text, the character says about themself, and/or the context of the media itself. For examples, there are some characters who we can understand to be queer even if they do not themselves use the word queer. However, if a character doesn't specify their exclusive attraction to one, multiple, or no genders, then I only tag them as queer. 

You can navigate the tag cloud by clicking on any tag and seeing the media that features representation of that identity category. If you want media that has intersectional representation, click on the buttons for all of the kinds of representation that you are seeing, and follow the web to find what pieces they are all connected to. I recognize that this visualization is not accessible for some folks, and have included a list of all identity categories as well. If you click on any of these identity categories, it will take you to the page for that category, where there is a list of all media that includes representation from that community.

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