Pueblo Orphanages: Transformation Main MenuPUEBLO ORPHANAGESPURPOSENEED FOR ORPHANAGESHISTORY OF PUEBLO ORPHANAGESBACKGROUND HISTORYARCHITECTURETransformations of ArchitectureTHEIR STORIESStories of transformation of the peoplePHOTO GALLERY{Photos of Sacred Heart, McClleland, and Lincoln Home OrphanagesEXTERNAL LINKS/RESOURCESKatelyn Olds, Angelique Urenda, Amanda Arszman, Lisa Butler, Chanel Jamesf7b768c49f57a86b3626ea10bcee0a7e9e996241
dan rowan
12018-04-23T13:41:00-07:00Katelyn Olds, Angelique Urenda, Amanda Arszman, Lisa Butler, Chanel Jamesf7b768c49f57a86b3626ea10bcee0a7e9e996241289311Dan Rowan Speaking at UCLA 1970plain2018-04-23T13:41:01-07:00Katelyn Olds, Angelique Urenda, Amanda Arszman, Lisa Butler, Chanel Jamesf7b768c49f57a86b3626ea10bcee0a7e9e996241
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1media/Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 1.24.52 PM.png2018-03-15T19:33:42-07:00Dan's Story18plain2018-04-30T02:41:32-07:00 Dan Rowan's Story According to an article found at the Pueblo Rawlings Library Archival information, Dan Rowan was an orphan at the McClelland Orphanage in Pueblo, Co at the age of seven. He attended Central High school and graduated in 1940. At Central High school he was in Student Council, and President of the Sophomore Class. He went on to do tremendous things in his lifetime. According the article titled “Laugh-in-Star” from July 31st, 1968, “After studying journalism at the University of Missouri and working as a writer at Paramount Studios, his career was interrupted by World War 2 military service”. Rowan went on to meet his partner Dick Martin in 1952. They both worked together as Co-stars in the hit show titled the “Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In”. After working together as a Comedy writing team, they went on to form their own material. In 1966, they landed their own T.V. show, which became the summer replacement for the “Dean Martin Show”. This proved that even though he lived in an orphanage and had a bumpy beginning, he went on to do amazing things and be known famously by many.