The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Life of St. Louis

Livre des saintes paroles et des bons faiz de nostre saint roy Looÿs (1305-1309)

Written as a biography of Louis IX during the Seventh CrusadeJean de Joinville's Life of Saint Louis documents the culture surrounding the Crusade. Using information from André Longjumeau, Jean narrates the destruction of Prester John by the Mongols. The story is similar to those recounted by the other missionaries deployed to Khanbaliq in the mid-thirteenth century.  


Vitale (p. 16) summarizes Joinville’s contribution on the legend:

Joinville, who accompanied Louis IX on a Crusade in 1248-49, writes in his Chronicle some fifty years later that Andrew of Longjumeau and his brother, both Dominican priests who spoke Arabic, had been sent as emissaries to the Mongols. Andrew reported to Joinville that the Tartars (Mongols) who had been subject to Prester John had risen up and defeated him.

See also  Silverberg, pp. 96-111. 
Read an English translation of Joinville here
To read Joinville in the original French see Wailly’s edition. 


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