The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Guerino il Meschino

Il Libro del Meschino di Durazzo (written c. 1409; published 1473)

Written by Andrea da BarberinoIl Meschino was one of several of Barberino's compositions written in the early fifteenth-century that commented on early medieval themes. First printed in Padua in 1473, Meschino details the journey of a young man in the imperial court of Constantinople who wandered the world, all the way to the kingdom of Prester John, seeking information about his parents. 

As Rogers explains: 

A Near Easterner who journeyed to the Farther East and subsequently visited Pope Eugenius II (reigned 824 to 827) provides the subject of an Italian story, Guerino il Meschino, which has retained its popular appeal down the centuries and was well known to Dati

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