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Present Day Cyborgs

Thalia Parra, Author

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Unaware of the Real World

In the art piece, d0ntb33vil (2014) created by artist Harris David Harris, Harris hacked into the WIFI at Google bus stops and when people accessed them, they got a loop of the sidewalk in front of them. Although there are many other reason why Harris did that, one of the reasons was "the imagery gestures toward riders immediate surroundings and the consequences of increasingly experiencing our environments and social interactions through virtual means.” (Harris). When out in public, instead of taking in the world and our surroundings, most people are stuck on their electronic device. Being so focused on the new electronic organ we have given ourselves, we pay little to no attention to our surrounding. Our investment to our technological device make the world more dangerous at times.

According to the Huffington Post, a man with a gun in plain view went completely unnoticed in a San Francisco train because of the passengers around the gunman were all on their phones. He ended up murdering a fellow passenger. It was later discovered through security footage that this was an event that could have been prevented.  The District Attorney George Gascón stated,“They're just so engrossed, texting and reading and whatnot. They're completely oblivious of their surroundings." Obviously this is a problem. Cyborgs in science fiction movies usually end up trying to murder the human race to become the superior race but in this case, we are the one to kill ourselves. With our new technological limb, we focus to much on it and its wondered we exclude the outside real world. We, the modern day cyborgs, are not equipped to juggle living life and living with our cyber life. We will continuously put ourselves in danger with our need to have our eyes on our devices. That is, until Google Glass.

Google Glass is making it easier for us to transform into the cyborg. It's easy way to carry around makes it easier to travel. We can do every day activities and still be on the internet. It makes it more natural and less dangerous. We are slowing getting more used to the idea of being a half human and half machine. The next invention will be something smaller and more efficient. Slowly we are losing our human self and becoming more machine.
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