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Present Day Cyborgs

Thalia Parra, Author

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Technological Biohazard

According to, the definition of virus is "a corrupting influence on morals or the intellect; poison." Our relationship with technology has gotten to the point where it had become a virus. We let our electronic devices take over our well being. We have become so reliant on our technology for everything it makes us stupider. The smarter the device the stupider we get. As stated previously, we are putting ourselves in constant danger by being focused on our devices not looking at our surroundings.Thought technology has helped up with certain things, finding out needed information via internet or directions, the dependency on it has made it toxic. In Jussi Parikka's article "Digital Monsters, Binary Aliens - Computer Viruses, Capitalism and the Flow of Information" she states, "Instead, our work says that there are many types of viruses: good, evil, entertaining, boring, elegant, political, furious, beautiful, and very beautiful. ‘There are no good viruses’, anti-virus producers say." (Parikka). As our need for our devices increase, the more of a virus it becomes. We will refuse to leave our homes without any device, and when the battery dies we tend to go look for a power source.

What happens when we are without our technology? People get frustrated, angry, and annoyed when they no longer have their device. What the technology has become is a sort of drug. It had been to the point where it is considered a real treatable condition in rehab centers. How far has our obsession gone? According to Online Psychology, 1 out of 3 smartphone users would choose using their phone over having sex. What does this say about the human race? Our need to be social via websites have taken away our ability to interact in the real world. We have let the technological virus taken over our freewill. It has poisoned us.
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