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Present Day Cyborgs

Thalia Parra, Author

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I am a Cyborg

How are the cyborgs that surround us? They are everyone who is too obsess to ever leave their phone, tablet, laptop, iPod or any other device behind.

I am a cyborg. Before the last week of May, I always had my phone in my hand. Out with friends, family, and anyone else. While at the movies, I could not wait for the movie to end so I could be on my phone once again. I've even sat through near empty movie theaters watching a film while being on my phone. I would use it during class, in the middle of conversations, and any time I felt like using it. It was not until last week where my phone broke and was not longer able to use it. I knew I would be frustrated but I did not know how much. I was seriously feeling a sort of depression. I felt like a part of me was taken away. A piece of my soul. Now that is not very healthy is it? To have that much of a connection to an object, but I did. Losing my phone meant losing a big part of my physical self. My "prosthetic" extension of my hand was taken away and I did not know what to do.

Instead of being liberated from the technology world, I found ways to go back to it. Since the lost of my phone, my relationship with my laptop has gotten more closer. I use it more now that I did before. I make sure it always charged. I took it class for the final week and took notes from it, while using the internet to communicate and see what was going on in my friend's and family's lives. In the end of the day, we will always have some sort of technological device on us. We will always find a way to get back to the cyber world. We have now "evolved" to a new kind of human.
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