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Present Day Cyborgs

Thalia Parra, Author

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In conclusion, what we picture in our heads to be cyborgs are not exactly true. The ways we have let technology consume our body, decisions and everything else have made us a different type of cyborg, but a cyborg none the less. Sure we can lose, break, or just stopping using one device, but then another one ends up in our hands. Along with new types of devices with new types of features. We get lured to not only get the devices, but we then become so dependent we become more of a machine than a human. Listen to what we talk about, "Did you see what ___ posted on Facebook?" "On Tumblr, I saw....." Instead of intellectual conversations, a lot of people tend talk about social medias. Slowly we are becoming less human and letting the technology take over.

We like to think we are smarter than a piece of technology. That we can go without it but can we really? Who has control over the other? Are humans still the superior species? The truth is no. Technology does not need us. Technology can be fine without the use of a human but humans can not go without technology. In the end of the day, technology is the one in control and will continue to be one.

One day will not longer be cyborgs, we will have evolved all the way. We will become a full robot that only can function with electronics. Humans are already losing. The only way to prevent our extermination is to separate ourselves from technology. We do not have to completely get rid of it, but instead try to rely more on ourselves. Then maybe, maybe humankind has a chance.
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