Practical Scalar Guide for the Field of Digital History

CSS Code for Scalar

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheet, is the programming language used in conjunction with HTML to style webpages.  Essentially, HTML will put text on a page, and CSS will tell it to be purple, should the user so desire.  Many of the most useful CSS functions are already present in the Scalar text editor, such as font sizes and colors, but there are several functions that can be used that are not already present here.
For an in-depth and comprehensive guide to CSS, w3schools is an excellent resource.

To access the CSS editing interface, open the CSS dialog in the styling tab at the bottom of the edit interface.

Simply paste the following code into the box to achieve your desired affect.

Background color of page:


Background image of page:


Change Font:

body {font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;}
For a list of web fonts, click here.


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