Post Human Angels: Compassionate Relationships with Inanimate ObjectsMain MenuAbstract for Multimedia InstallationLoneliness is an EpidemicRobot CompanionsAI TherapyAI Conversational PartnersAI Virtual Girlfriend AppsIllusion of LifeUser ExperiencePosthuman Community IntegrationPhones as a companion or extension of selfCommemoration of Loss RitualsShinto Religion and KamiMemorial Shrines Across CulturesStages of GriefPop Culture ReferencesDesign Inspiration and IdeationMultiMedia Installation Process LogReferencesChandler Zausner79f10117cb41ef0830ff5272f11a5217adfc8b28
Why you are addicted to your smartphone
12020-04-29T07:49:37-07:00Chandler Zausner79f10117cb41ef0830ff5272f11a5217adfc8b28370851Companies are using science and artificial intelligence to keep you hooked.plain2020-04-29T07:49:38-07:00YouTubeCBC News2017-11-03T22:30:00.000ZZFJUYS6wY7UChandler Zausner79f10117cb41ef0830ff5272f11a5217adfc8b28
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1media/girl-taking-selfie.jpg2020-04-12T12:45:11-07:00Phones as a companion or extension of self10image_header2020-04-29T08:40:28-07:00Many Americans experience separation anxiety when their phone is out of reach. Thirty percent experience regular anxiety and sixty percent feel stress when their phone is off. Americans check their phone on an average once every ten minutes, because smart phones have replaced some basic human functions such as remembering phone numbers and navigating directions. Phone addiction can cause sleep disturbances, mood swings, and loss of focus while driving or even walking. Information overload, can interfere with establishing long term memories by impairing cognitive function and reducing the need for person to person socialization.
Many people see social media as a way to boost their self esteem because every like, share and comment has proven to increase dopamine and a positive self image. Selfies are one way that young people express an edited version of their best life, by including filters, edit functions and multiple takes. The quest for the perfect selfie can have negative impacts on the poster and the viewer, by creating an unrealistic version of life. However, the popularity of posting to social media is continuing to increasing, especially among young users.
Smart phones are a powerful tool for communication, research, and entertainment, but consumers must be aware of the negative consequences of cell-phone addiction.