Post Human Angels: Compassionate Relationships with Inanimate ObjectsMain MenuAbstract for Multimedia InstallationLoneliness is an EpidemicRobot CompanionsAI TherapyAI Conversational PartnersAI Virtual Girlfriend AppsIllusion of LifeUser ExperiencePosthuman Community IntegrationPhones as a companion or extension of selfCommemoration of Loss RitualsShinto Religion and KamiMemorial Shrines Across CulturesStages of GriefPop Culture ReferencesDesign Inspiration and IdeationMultiMedia Installation Process LogReferencesChandler Zausner79f10117cb41ef0830ff5272f11a5217adfc8b28
Moxi the Robot
12020-04-29T06:58:16-07:00Chandler Zausner79f10117cb41ef0830ff5272f11a5217adfc8b28370851A nurse-assisting robot named Moxi has been working with clinical staff on the neurology unit at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.plain2020-04-29T06:58:17-07:00YouTubeTexas Health Resources2018-11-27T17:16:33.000ZMVC4YAT2dNsChandler Zausner79f10117cb41ef0830ff5272f11a5217adfc8b28
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1media/Robot Caregiver.jpg2020-04-12T12:43:30-07:00Posthuman Community Integration3image_header2020-04-29T07:26:31-07:00Robot companions are increasingly collaborating with caregivers at home, in nursing facilities and in hospitals. Robots are currently assisting with a variety of patient needs, including routine tasks, mobility challenges and medication reminders. Robotic communication is one way to decrease the risk of infection, by reducing person to person contact. Surgical robots have existed for over a decade, but now more anthropomorphic entities are being integrated into patient care in order to alleviate a shortage of human healthcare workers by taking over mundane tasks that distract the healthcare staff from more important medical care.