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kids workshop control room
12017-07-20T15:42:50-07:00Pablo DeSotoa9f4d63ec1bd614f7d91ac83b94219c4e95407cf196751Playing the control room, LABoral Art Center.plain2017-07-20T15:42:51-07:0020080225171439+010019800101000902+0000Pablo DeSotoa9f4d63ec1bd614f7d91ac83b94219c4e95407cf
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1media/taller_niños7.jpg2017-07-20T14:54:38-07:00Playing the Control Room11LABoral Art and Creation Centerimage_header2017-08-10T03:19:29-07:00The workshop Playing the Control room took place in the physical and conceptual context of the Situation Room Project, the prototype of an experimental urban Situation Room for Asturias exhibited at LABoral Art Center in 2008. It was conducted by Pablo DeSoto, David Pello and Ana Valdés.
The target group of the activity were children from 8 to 12 years of age. For two hours, we explained to the kids the various control rooms existing and the function of each one. Through various games and activities Playing the Control room teached the use of control rooms in its work of monitoring points, explaining how the collected data from various computer networks and displayed in a manner easily understandable screens, lists, data bases graphics and maps, animations....