POLS 448: Terror Group Profile (Sendero Luminoso)


Source: Global Terrorism Database http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/Results.aspx?perpetrator=590

Since the capture of Guzman in 1992 the group’s outright acts of terror have significantly decreased.  However, they average about ten acts of terror a year and currently have been tied to many kidnappings. Creating what has become known as “slaves” or women they have collected solely for the purpose of reproduction.

Social Media:
Due to the groups lack of interest in foreign support and it's current status as an enemy of the Peruvian government the group does not have a significant online presence. 

The above map is pulled from Stratfor Global Intelligence, and highlights the main location of Sendero Luminoso areas of operation (2012) and their proximity to the Camisea natural gas pipeline and deposits.  The rebel group’s location in the south of Peru has posed a problem due to the crucial natural gas pipeline running nearby.  The government has had more difficulty dealing with the rebels due to rugged terrain, and therefore cannot protect the entire pipeline. Attacks on Camisea workers have resulted in hostage situations and ransoms being demanded.  In October of 2012 helicopters belonging to Transportadora de Gas del Peru were destroyed by Sendero Luminoso rebels, likely due to the desire to discredit government

forces and their ability to fight against the group effectively.  However private business is concerned increase government presence in the area may result in further attacks on enterprise, hindering investment.  The southern faction of Sendero Luminoso could possibly expand its drug trafficking further into the region of the pipeline, posing greater threat.[1]    




[1] Statfor Global Intelligence



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