The Digital PiranesiMain MenuAboutThe Digital Piranesi is a developing digital humanities project that aims to provide an enhanced digital edition of the works of Italian illustrator Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778).Works and VolumesGenres, Subjects, and ThemesBibliographyGlossary
View of the remains or the terminus of the Arches that brought the water of the Acqua Claudia to the Aventine Hill
12020-04-10T20:59:49-07:00Avery Freemanb9edcb567e2471c9ec37caa50383522b90999cba228491from Volume 01 of Giovanni Battista Piranesi's Opereplain2020-04-10T20:59:49-07:00Internet Archivepiranesi-ia-vol1-038.jpgimageAvery Freemanb9edcb567e2471c9ec37caa50383522b90999cba
12021-03-30T11:16:11-07:00View of the Remains of the Arches that brought the water from the Acqua Claudia to the Aventine Hill4Veduta degli Avanzi, o sia del termine degli Archi che conducevano l'Acqua Claudia sull'Aventinoplain2024-05-02T13:18:02-07:00A. Veduta degli Avanzi, o sia del termine degli Archi che conducevano l’Acqua Claudia sull’Aventino. B. Speco del condotto. C. Castello dell’Acqua. D. Abitazione moderna fabbricata sulle rovine del Castello e de’ bagni privati di Trajano.; Piranesi Archit(etto) dis(egnò) inc(ise).A. View of the Remains, or the terminus, of the Arches that brought the water from the Aqueduct of the Acqua Claudia to the Aventine Hill. B. Channel of the Aqueduct. C. Castellum of the Aqueduct. D. Modern housing built on the ruins of the Castellum and Trajan’s private baths.; Drawn and engraved by the Architect Piranesi.