The Digital Piranesi

Genres and Subjects

“The Digital Piranesi” organizes Piranesi’s works in two ways: according to their original publication in the individual works collected in the volumes of the Opere under “Works and Volumes,” and, below, according to their primary subject or genre. Accessing Piranesi’s works in this way, as opposed to their original works, calls attention to their different approaches to media. Piranesi’s architectural views and his referential networks require complex interactions with the spaces of the printed, illustrated book. Digitally representing not only Piranesi’s images but also their interconnections (in his maps), composite layers (in his layered images), and verbal references (in his annotated views) suggests new insights about eighteenth-century Rome, the birth of art history as a discipline, and the graphical representation of knowledge. Below, his works are (gradually being organized and) divided according to either their primary subject (prisons, fancies) or their genre (map, view, layered image). 

Contents of this path: