This path was created by Mallory Baskin. The last update was by Constance Caddell.
The Digital PiranesiMain MenuAboutThe Digital Piranesi is a developing digital humanities project that aims to provide an enhanced digital edition of the works of Italian illustrator Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778).Works and VolumesGenres, Subjects, and ThemesBibliographyGlossary
1media/Tools - Copy.jpgmedia/Views banner image.png2017-10-04T09:45:19-07:00Mallory Baskin7ce3ce5a70a32ae2ec1a1bb1657162822b9eb635228493plain5139632017-11-03T12:00:11-07:00Constance Caddelld4428f7815c34c6fd0592b7e434a4fb89d5ca1aaPiranesi’s images often include detailed, alphabetic keys to their architectural details.