This annotation was created by Harith Kumte. The last update was by Jeanne Britton.
The Digital PiranesiMain MenuAboutThe Digital Piranesi is a developing digital humanities project that aims to provide an enhanced digital edition of the works of Italian illustrator Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778).Works and VolumesGenres, Subjects, and ThemesBibliographyGlossary
12021-02-02T15:15:30-08:00Harith Kumte99279d66eba29dfb66cd2510732c5a9dd9b59c7a228497plain2023-06-09T13:03:07-07:00Jeanne Brittone120651dde677d5cf1fd515358b14d86eb289f11Feci nondimeno ulteriori ricerche, ed osservai sul lato destro del monumento l’avanzo del muro antico appoggiatogli, contrasegnato colla lettera D nella figura I della Tavola XI di questo Tomo, e che supposi tosto essere il termine della detta arcuazione provegnente dal Castello controverso (Index or Explanation of the Ruins of Ancient Rome, no. 23)
Contents of this annotation:
12020-04-10T20:59:50-07:00Avery Freemanb9edcb567e2471c9ec37caa50383522b90999cbaCross section of the Giulia Tepula and Marcia Aqueducts6plain2021-12-19T08:27:17-08:00Internet Archiveimagepiranesi-ia-vol1-013.jpgJeanne Brittone120651dde677d5cf1fd515358b14d86eb289f11