The Digital PiranesiMain MenuAboutThe Digital Piranesi is a developing digital humanities project that aims to provide an enhanced digital edition of the works of Italian illustrator Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778).Works and VolumesGenres, Subjects, and ThemesBibliographyGlossary
Roman Antiquities (Opere, vol 3)
1media/3 Title Page cropped.jpg2018-11-23T19:23:20-08:00Jeanne Brittone120651dde677d5cf1fd515358b14d86eb289f11228495image_header2019-02-28T19:27:11-08:00Jeanne Brittone120651dde677d5cf1fd515358b14d86eb289f11Roman Antiquities / Antichita Romane, vol 3 of 4 (Opere, vol 3) *****under construction*****
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1media/Picture2.jpg2018-10-19T10:57:28-07:00Jeanne Brittone120651dde677d5cf1fd515358b14d86eb289f11VolumesJeanne Britton21Piranesi's Opere (Works) contains 29 volumes, annotated and animated scans of which are gradually being added here.plain2019-09-16T14:02:55-07:00Jeanne Brittone120651dde677d5cf1fd515358b14d86eb289f11
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12018-03-23T15:26:09-07:00Constance Caddelld4428f7815c34c6fd0592b7e434a4fb89d5ca1aaOn the construction of the Tomb of Caecilia Metella, from Antiquities of Rome31"Modo, col quale furono alzati i grossi Travertini, e gli altri Marmi nel fabbricare il gran Sepolcro di Cecilie Metella, oggi detto Capo di Bove," Antichita romane, Vol 3, Plate LIII (Opere, vol 3)plain2019-08-15T10:32:40-07:00Alexis Kratzerb246b0b192071919d0499d7b3d52bbdb38177646