The Digital PiranesiMain MenuAboutThe Digital Piranesi is a developing digital humanities project that aims to provide an enhanced digital edition of the works of Italian illustrator Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778).Works and VolumesGenres, Subjects, and ThemesBibliographyGlossary
Opening in the arcade
12021-07-21T12:21:56-07:00Helen B. Kampmann Marodin057612e7fc4f8728b1dcdf23e7ab160b2ebfb68f228494plain2021-07-21T12:26:18-07:00Helen B. Kampmann Marodin057612e7fc4f8728b1dcdf23e7ab160b2ebfb68fMarchers seem to be about to fall into the opening in the arcade or, at least, to be entrapped in this segment of the bridge. The ladder besides it indicates a difficult access.
Contents of this annotation:
1media/piranesi-2M-vol08-004_thumb.jpg2021-07-18T13:39:53-07:00Helen B. Kampmann Marodin057612e7fc4f8728b1dcdf23e7ab160b2ebfb68fCarceri plate IV1media/piranesi-2M-vol08-004.jpgplain2021-07-18T13:39:53-07:00Helen B. Kampmann Marodin057612e7fc4f8728b1dcdf23e7ab160b2ebfb68f