Philadelphia Media: Swarthmore College Film and Media Studies Capstone Project

Non-profit Media Organizations

For their placements, many students in Philadelphia Media worked with Philadelphia's key non-profit media organizations. Community media is the foundation of a city's arts program. They provide crucial materials and aid to the next generation of creators that would otherwise not have access to those resources. Their proximity to the community also gives them valuable insight into issues on the ground. Having a personal understanding of what issues people reckon with on a day to day basis gives people expertise on how to represent what is going on well. So not only does community media uplift rising talents, giving them the tools to succeed, but also brings a spotlight to issues people grapple with on a daily basis.

As a part of their placements, Students got to experience what it was like to create content with  and help run community media organizations in Philadelphia. Some helped with the day to day operations and learned the key skills necessary to run this type of organization. Others were able to use the resources at these organizations to create their own content with guidance from the professionals that work at these organizations

Check out what the students did below...

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