Philadelphia Media: Swarthmore College Film and Media Studies Capstone Project

Festivals, Film Societies, and Events

Several students explored the world of Philadelphia film festivals for their placements.
Some worked with the rising BlackStar Film Festival, which focuses on films by Black, Brown, and Indigenous people from around the world. Filmmakers including Terence Nance, Bradford Young, Naima Ramos-Chapman, Spike Lee and Swarthmore graduate Tayarisha Poe have shown their films at the festival.
Others kept it local and worked for the Tri-Co Film Festival, which highlights some of the best work by student filmmakers in the Tri-College Consortium of Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and Swarthmore. The event is held at the Bryn Mawr Film Institute and lets young filmmakers debut their films on the big screen. At the 2022 festival, two members of the capstone took home prizes! Chili Shi won best experimental film and Rubing Zhang won best narrative!
Some worked with the prestigious Philadelphia Film Society. At the PFS they believe that film is for everyone, offering screenings at the Philadelphia Film Center and the Bourse cinema and presenting the annual Philadelphia Film Festival, now in its 31st year.


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