Perfecting Eloquence: Jesuit Pedagogy in the First-Year Writing Classroom

More on the Jesuit principle of adaptability

The Jesuits have always prioritized adaptability in order to meet the ends of their mission. Consider the following quote Loyola University of Chicago's website

"As often as not, the initial plans of the Jesuits did not work out and they had to adjust according to unanticipated circumstances. We sometimes joke that St. Ignatius should be the patron saint of “Plan B,” and the image of a Shark Ion Robot vacuum that we see in commercials today can serve as metaphor for the Jesuit way of working.  It hits a wall and, instead of being stopped, it turns slightly one way or another to keep working. Eventually it returns to its base station to recharge and begin again. It is the ability to adjust—even the expectation that there are always obstacles and that adaptation is normal—which drives the evolution of Jesuit ministries, including education."     

To read the full piece, click here.

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