Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Western Influence on Beauty

How do the Western standards of beauty define themselves and are possibly redefined in this text?

Western preferences and ideals have long held strong global impacts on many topics, and beauty is just one example. Ideals, such as those surrounding skin color, body shapes, and the ways people dress, are all heavily dependent on one's culture and personal preferences. However, can cultures be influenced by other cultures? When specifically addressing topics of skin color, there are endless examples of oppression and superiority complexes involved, and Montez's text illustrates some of this. She focuses on various preferences surrounding appearance, dedicating chapters to each topic; however, I identified a similar theme throughout. An emphasis on skin color. 


"The forehead white ... the neck should be white ... the whiteness and delicacy of its skin should ... go on improving to the bosom; the skin in general should be white, properly tinged with red, and a look of thriving health in it ... the arm should be white ... the bosom should be white" (Montez 21-22).

Whiteness seems to be a larger focus with regards to beauty ideals. Although Montez discusses several sections of one's body, the topic of skin color is carried throughout her work. If lighter, whiter skin is the epitome of beauty, what is everything else? People, women more specifically, are pushed to go through every possible method in order to reach these set ideals, and an example of this is skin bleaching. The lighter skin appeal created from Western standards of beauty has spread globally, embedding itself within other cultures. 

"The bosom should be white and charming, neither too large nor too small; the breasts equal in roundness and firmness, rising gently, and very distinctly separated ... the sides should be rather long and the hips wider than the shoulders, and go down rounding and lessening gradually to the knee" (Montez 22).

Similarly, Western ideals and standards of beauty are reinforced through magazines and movies, and fashion and makeup, all illustrating an extremely specific body type to the public. In this image above, although there may be slight variation with regards to skin color, their bodies are all pretty much identical. Even with the small diversity of skin color, it's within a spectrum: no one is extremely dark or pale. If this image of a woman's body is accepted as the ideal for all women, but it is not attainable for everyone, how then are people supposed to feel confident and beautiful in their own body? The perpetuation of the Western ideal of a woman's body creates an unreachable goal for women in general. Montez is providing an instructional guide for women to reach their goals; however, the issue is not necessarily with the process or steps she provides, but with the goal itself and the audience she is directing her work towards.

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