Victorian Era Cooking
During the Victorian Era, there were also industrial and inventive progressions and improvement, which can be seen in the evolution of ovens and closed cooking ranges in nineteenth century England. There were new improvements in food storage, utensils and gadgets, and the earliest refrigerators became commonly used. These industrial and inventive introductions put an even more significant emphasis on the importance of cooking and food; however, again, these advancements really only benefitted the wealthy and upper-middle class Victorians.
Another interesting aspect of Victorian Era cooking and home remedies is the extensive yet remarkably casual use of opium. In nineteenth century Britain, opium was like aspirin for Victorians. It was used frequently and without restriction, and was sold at any corner shop. Although eventual restriction occurred, it was still viewed as a non-threatening, effective product to use in home remedies and recipes.
Overall, the most notable and imperative aspect of understanding the culinary history of the Victorian Era is understanding the class system that existed in nineteenth century England. Socioeconomic class was the main determinant of each household's emphasis on the relevancy of cooking and food as more of an event than a means of sustainability.
For information on some significant recipes in Victorian cooking, see