Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Chapters 1 and 2

The foregoing gallery represents all the pages from Chapters 1 and 2 of Sarah Winnemucca's "Life Among the Piutes" as it is embodied in Santa Clara University's Special Collections and Archives. 

Below the pages, you will find they are annotated to different pages in this entry. This is to facilitate some interactive reading, if you will. Read or contemplate, it's up to you. If you click on an annotation while reading, it will take you to that page for the discussion of the subject. There's always this page and the handy page links throughout to help you get back to where you were. Or hey, who knows? You might want to re-read! 

See all the pages below, like you're holding the book and you've flipped through them all quickly. Go on and burst into the study in the spirit of Jarratt!

Return to  Introduction

The pages of the Winnemucca selection, Chapters 1 and 2, are laid out here for reference. If you need to, you may click any one of them to "turn" to that page at any time. Because, this little note will be in each page of the Winnemucca path!

Title Page, Table of Contents, Page 56, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1112, 1314, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1920, 2122, 2324, 2526, 2728, 29, 30, 3132, 3334, 35, 36, 3738, 3940, 4142, 43, 44, 4546, 4748, 4950, 5152, 5354, 5556, 57

Click on a page to view and read it. or,

begin with the first page

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