Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

"Plum Cake"

"Plum Cake"

Transcription for “Plum Cake

1 lb. Flour.

1 - Butter.

1 - Sugar.

3 - Currants.

½ - Mixed Peel.

½ - Almonds (cut in half) pounded*

½ - Dark Treacle

9 - Eggs

a little mixed spice.

a wine glass of brandy

Bake 7 hours

The butter to be beaten to a cream - The cake is better kept a week or two.

               Mrs. Lesley’s


*This whole recipe is written in a different handwriting than most of the recipe book, but ‘cut in half’ is crossed out, with pounded written above it, in the same handwriting (presumably the owner's) as the majority of the recipes.

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