Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Beauty differences in culture and race

How does intersectionality and positionality play into definitions of beauty?

A person's background and life experiences are significant to their approach and views on aspects of life, beauty being one example. 

See the source image

"Indeed, the coarsest, most refractory, and snarly locks can be subdued, and made comparatively soft and glossy by the use of the brush alone. Constant brushing is the first rule to subdue coarse and brittle hair" (Montez 82-83).

Brushing isn't a practice implemented by all women with different hair types. The curlier, thicker, more textured hair 

Beauty's definition varies between culture and person...
A person's identity and be expressed through their hair, it can tell a story of their culture and history    ....     A sense of freedom and expression of femininity and self

Protective hairstyles
hair and identity 
curl relaxers / striaghtening hair (Madame CJ Walker)

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